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part of the In a Nutshell series on Adrian’s Study Club

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It is important to familiarise yourself with word and chemical equations. You should also practice balancing word and chemical equations.

An equation has two parts: the reactant on the left, and the products on the right. Plus signs + denote the separation between different substances and arrow signs –> separate reactant (left) and product (right) sides of the equation.

There are three things you have to consider:

  1. Valency
  2. Balancing
  3. The Rule

The third option is especially true if there’s something above the arrow (e.g photosynthesis) or if it’s an acid/base reaction.


Take this neutralisation reaction of an acid and a base

CuCO₃ + 2HNO₃ –> Cu(NO₃)₂ + H₂O + CO₂

It’s already balanced (which is looked at in the next section), but more importantly, it respects the valency. As copper(II) has a valency of 2+ and nitrate has an overall valency of 1- we can use the crossover method and determine that we need two nitrate molecules to balance one copper atom.


Take this wonderful nice equation of photosynthesis.

carbon dioxide + water –––––––––––> glucose + oxygen

Without balancing, this would be

CO₂ + H₂O –> C₆H₁₂O₆ + O₂

But of course, this is impossible, because there is 1 carbon on the reactant side while there is 6 on the carbon side, and 3 oxygen on reactant side, and 8 oxygen on the product side, and 2 hydrogen on the reactant side, and 12 hydrogen on the product side.

We can use our knowledge from Maths and find a number that would multiply the atoms so the equation becomes balanced.

Now how about we place a 6 in front of all of the substances except for glucose…

6CO₂ + 6H₂O –> C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂

Now we have on both sides:

  • 6 carbon
  • 18 oxygen
  • 12 hydrogen

Yay! This is known as the law of conservation of mass.


The final thing to take consideration of is the rule. For acid/base reactions, you can test yourself on Quizlet here:

Test yourself on Quizlet

Difference between subscript and coefficient

The subscript shows the number of atoms in a molecule. The coefficient shows the number of molecules. They both represent quantity.


H₂SO₄ means there are 2 hydrogen atoms, 1 sulfur atom and 4 oxygen atom in a molecule/substance 3H₂SO₄ means there are 3 molecules of sulfuric acid (also known as dihydrogen sulfur quadoxide) with 2 hydrogen, 1 sulfur and 4 oxygen in each. Therefore in total there is 6 hydrogen, 3 sulfur and 12 oxygen.

Balancing Chemical Equations

Footnotes and Other Notes

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