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Year 9 Maths Chapter 6 - Indices and surds

Table of Contents

Index notation

3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 3⁷

Scientific notation


a x 10ᵐ
where m is an integer
and 1 <= a < 10

Prime factorisation

Writing a number as a product of its prime factors.

108 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
    = 2² x 3³

On Casio calculators, you can obtain the prime factorisation of any inputted number by pressing SHIFT + DMS button.

On Sharp calculators, well, I don’t know.

Index laws

Multiplication and division

aᵐ x bⁿ = aᵐ⁺ⁿ
aᵐ ÷ bⁿ = aᵐ⁻ⁿ

Powers and brackets

(aᵐ)ⁿ = aᵐⁿ
(ab)ᵐ = aᵐbᵐ

Powers and fractions

See Fractional indices for fractional indices.

(a/b)ᵐ = aᵐ/bᵐ

Zero index

a⁰ = 1
where a != 0

Negative indices

a⁻ᵐ = 1/aᵐ

Fractional indices

a¹/ᵐ = ᵐ√a
aˣ/ᵐ = ᵐ√aˣ


Surds are irrational numbers written with a radical sign. They cannot be expressed as a fraction.

For example, 5√6 is a surd. It means 5 x √6.



Addition and subtraction

You can only add or subtract surds if they are like surds. For example, 5√6, 3√6 and √6 are like surds. If you were to add or subtract these together:

5√6 + 3√6 + √6 = 9√6
5√6 - 3√6 - √6 = 5√6

Multiplication and division

a√b x c√d = ab√cd

√a     / a \
–– = √| ––– |
√b     \ b /

What a beautiful attempt at making a big bracket. I’m not bothered to go to the bracket making website right now so you’re going to have to deal with it.

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